One of the main reasons for back pain is a poor posture. I found this from my doctor when my back pain had reached levels of extreme pain. One of the first things he suggested was that I try to keep my posture as straight as possible at all times.
I am a busy person with a family and I often spend most of my time in front of the computer writing articles. Because of excessive computer use, I found myself having back pain all the time. This is something I had never thought would be hurting my back. But thanks to my doctor, I found out the main reason for my chronic back ache.
Even after his suggestion, I wasn’t able to keep my posture straight because I was so used to my position that I just couldn’t keep my arms and chest straight all the time. It went so far that I would immediately start feeling uncomfortable as I tried to straighten up myself a bit. Then one day I came across this new product from a very well known fitness company called the PostureNow.
As anyone would have, I was skeptical about the results of the product. I did not trust what the product description said about the product, so I sat down and started doing a little bit of my research. I read many customer reviews online with nearly 70% positive reviews. I immediately decided that I should just give it a go and decide for myself.
Today I have been wearing the PostureNow for the past three months and I am quite glad I decided to try it out. PostureNow is designed to force my shoulders and chest in a straight position. The product description has mentioned that you wear it for at least 10 minutes a day. I followed just as the instructions had asked me and I have had positive results.
My back pain isn’t completely gone but it has improved so much that I can feel my life changing. One of the best bits about PostureNow is that it is extremely comfortable. I found out about its comfortable from a colleague who happened to have the same problem of back ache like mine, but he had bought some other posture fixing product. When he tried it on for ten minutes, he immediately gave it a nod and decided to buy it for himself too when he heard me saying great things about it.
PostureNow has help me retain my straight posture and ultimately helped me reduce my back pain to a comfortable level. Now whenever I sit down on the computer to write articles, or are about outside driving my car, I make sure I wear the PostureNow so that I am always reminded to keep myself straight.
PostureNow has been so helpful in reducing my pain that I even recommended it to my wife when she started complaining about having back pain. Even she told me that she saw a difference of pain intensity after wearing the PostureNow posture brace.
After using the PostureNow, I have to be honest that I wanted to try out other posture fixing products too. I hoped maybe I could find a better product in the market that could completely get rid of my back pain. So I went to the local mart and got myself some other posture fixing products.
After wearing them for a short period of time, I came to the conclusion that PostureNow is really unmatched by any other product in the market. You see the main reason I speak so highly of PostureNow is the comfort of wearing it. The other options I tried in the market were uncomfortable or too tight for my body structure. Moving on from these products to PostureNow had me realized that the level comfort offered by PostureNow is the main reason why I have been sticking on to it for so long.
Before you get one for yourself, you have to make sure that you get the right size for your body. One of the biggest problems I found with the product was its actual size. I may not have revealed earlier but the size chart provided is a bit messed up. For men just get a medium sized brace because the small one I got did not comfortably fit my body. I have broad shoulders, but since everyone has a different bone structure, I would suggest that you try the product on before buying it. My general view is that for men, small size is just not enough and doesn’t offer the level of comfort-ability.
If you have back pain that just doesn’t go away, it’s about time you give PostureNow a try. I am sure that even if your pain doesn’t go away completely, you will almost instantly feel a positive difference.
The post Posture Now appeared first on Anyone Using.